March 2023 Agenda

he next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday 2nd March 2023 at Hogsthorpe Village Hall.


Prior to the meeting there will be a Public Forum commencing at 6.00 pm. Members of the public and press are welcome.  Members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.


The council meeting will commence at 6.30pm or at the closure of the public forum – whichever is the sooner.


This notice summons all members of the council to attend from 6.45pm or submit their apologies to the clerk at the earliest opportunity. 


Signed   Kath Hayes             Kath Hayes – Acting Clerk to the Council            Dated   22nd February 2023





  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Approval of notes of meetings 19th January and 2nd February 2023
  4. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
  5. To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
  6. General correspondence
  7. Financial Matters  
  1.  Payment of Accounts
  2. Budget 2023/24
  1. Ratification of Policies
  1. Standing Orders
  2. Financial Regulations
  3. Signing of GDPR Councillor Permission Form.
  1. Highways and Village Maintenance
  2. Churchyard report – collapse of wall
  3. Planning
  1. N/0800156/23 The Stables 2 Storey house, garage & gym over
  2. N/08400126/23 Manor Farm Erection of 4 dwellings
  3. N/08402405/22 Mill House Farm – 6 static caravans
  1. Play Park Report  
  1. Budget is being updated
  1. Confirm details of AGM and Parish Meeting – 4th May 2023
  2. To confirm time and date of next meeting – Thursday 6th April 2023 a 6pm
  3. AOB for note only or next agenda