December 2022 DRAFT Minutes

These are draft minutes and subject to change or amendment until approved at the next meeting on 2nd February 2023.





PRESENT:  Les Wildman (Chair)

COUNCILLORS:  Paul Smith, Mary Banks, Ellen Smith, Chris Rolf and Brian Worley                           


CLERK & RFO:  Valerie Anne Worley


ABSENT:   DISTRICT COUNCILLORS:  Colin Davie and Stephen Evans

                   COUNCILLOR:  Tim Smith



A member of the public spoke about wet slippery leaves covering the pathway at Thames Street and how this is a slip hazard.  She enquired as to who she should notify.  The reply was the website of LCC Highways where a complaint can be made.  

District Councillor Graham Williams spoke about planning applications in Mill Lane and Bracken Lane.  Regarding Mill Lane.  He stated that there must be a 3-metre area kept clear around a caravan. It also must have a site licence.  The question was asked if a site licence was required for one caravan and the Councillor said that it didn’t matter whether there was one or one hundred and one, a site licence was still needed.  There is no waste disposal and no council tax.  There will be a set of steps and no deck. District Councillor Graham Williams objected to a caravan in the middle of a residential street.  A member of the public asked if there was anything the residents could do.  The reply was to keep complaining.  Apply to Planning if they are unhappy.

Councillor Graham Williams stated that the planning application for Bracken Lane did not meet the requirements as there is no pedestrian access, no footpath, and no lighting.  The Lane is narrow and because of this, it should have two properly constructed passing bays.  Everyone thanked him for his input and research.


  1.   Chair’s Welcome

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1.   Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given.

District Councillor Colin Davie attended meetings elsewhere.Councillor Tim Smith.

  1.   Notes of the last Parish Meeting of 3rd November 2022 to be approved as a true record of the minutes.

The minutes were signed by the Chair as a true record of the minutes of 3 November 2022.

  1.   To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensation.

None given.

  1.   To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings.

The Chair spoke about the allotments.There is one empty allotment.There is no one in Hogsthorpe that wants it.It will go to the first person on the list.A member of the public stated that there is a gentleman from Chapel who would like an allotment.The Chair replied that he can go on the list but it always has to be the first person on the list to get the next available allotment.

Councillor Mary Banks attended the Village Hall meeting.It was resolved to keep control of the heating by turning it off during the day to keep costs down.Charity Farm is ok.The next meeting is on Monday which will be the awards to the students and cash awards to the OAPs from the list.Nothing to report from the Playpark.

  1.   Financial Matters.  Cheques to be signed.  Budget to be discussed and approved. Precept for 2023 to be agreed.

The following cheques were signed:

  1. ElanCity Speed device x 2 (£5,160.00)  2)  Sid Dennis – waste disposal (£19.62)  3)  Village Hall Hire (£45.00)  Postage and Stationery (£18.03)  4) ELDC Elections (£48.50)  5) Clerk’s Salary with back-dated increase (£1,097.70)  6)  HMRC TAX (189.80)  7)  Charity of Thomas Goodwin – Allotment Rents (£257.87)  8)  Sid Dennis – waste disposal (£9.82)  9)  Homeworking allowance (£26.00)  10)  Real Christmas Trees – St Mary’s Church  (£110.00).

The Clerk stated that she had given all members of the Council a monthly reconciliation for the November finances. Incomings and Outgoings from April to November which included the total balance in the Hogsthorpe Parish Council bank account, the budget figures from April 2022 to March 2023 and the forecast for the precept for 2024.

It was resolved to hold a meeting in January so that the finances and precept can be discussed, and the precept agreed for 2024.

  1. Policies

It was also resolved to discuss and agree the policies that were given to members of the Council.A meeting will be held in January 2023. The policies can then be placed on the Hogsthorpe Parish Council webpage.

It was resolved that the following policies will be approved at the meeting:

  1. Abusive, persistent, or vexatious complaints policy.  2) Freedom of Information.  3) Email protocol.  4) Social Media Policy. 5) Dignity at work policy. 6) Data Protection Policy. 7) Code of Conduct. 8) Complaints Procedure. 9) Environment Policy. 10) Equal Opportunities Policy. 11) Financial Regulations Policy. 12) Health & Safety Regulations. 13) Standing Orders. 14) Publication Scheme.
  1. Clerk’s Report

The Chair asked for any comments on the Clerk’s Report.Everyone was given a copy of this to read. Councillor Graham William stated that the funding Application should be in by January 2023.The Clerk replied that she had completed this but was waiting for confirmation from Councillor Paul Smith for the pricing of a new sound system.

  1.  To resolve to purchase a sound system for the Hogsthorpe Parish Council Meetings.

It was resolved to purchase a new sound system for the Parish Council meetings in the Village Hall and for use outside at fetes, parties, picnics etc.

  1. King Charles III Coronation, Saturday. 6 May 2023.

Councillor Ellen Smith suggested organising an event for this celebration, incorporating stalls, dog show, bouncy castle etc.The proceeds to go to the playpark. It was resolved by the Council that this should go ahead.

  1. Mole Holes on Playing Field.

Councillor Ellen Smith informed the Council that moles were a problem on the Playing Field.The Chair suggested that this would be discussed further at another time.

  1. Christmas Party. Christmas Tree.

The Christmas Party is being organised.It was resolved that the Clerk purchase a 10-foot Christmas tree for St Mary’s Churchyard for the 10 December 2022.

  1. Speed device – update.

The Chair, Les Wildman and Councillor Chris Rolf have assembled two Evolis speed devices in South End and the High Street.These are successfully operating.Councillor Chris Rolf will be looking after the speed devices.It will be programmed into Bluetooth and registered by a volunteer.The Archer device data is with the police.

  1. Date of next meeting to be agreed – Thursday, 2nd February 2023 at 6.00pm.

This date was agreed by all members of the Council.

It was agreed unanimously by the members of the Council to purchase a gift for 3 people that arranged the Christmas Party.

The meeting closed at 7.30pm