October 2022 DRAFT Minutes

These are draft minutes and subject to change or amendment until approved at the next meeting on 3rd November 2022




PRESENT:    Les Wildman (Chair)

COUNCILLORS:    Paul Smith, Ellen Smith, and Chris Rolf

Malcolm Tait (Vice Chair)  Addlethorpe Parish Council.   Speaker - Neighbourhood Plan.


ABSENT:   Tim Smith (Vice Chair), Amanda Green and Mary Banks

                   District Councillors:  Colin Davie, Stephen Evans, and Graham Williams



The Chair introduced Mr Malcom Tait (Vice Chair) Addlethorpe Parish Council. He spoke about a Neighbourhood Plan which would involve three Parishes: Hogsthorpe, Addlethorpe and Orby joining together. Mr Tait talked about the advantages of joining the Neighbourhood Plan.  It will give a stronger voice.  It protects the natural habitat.  This will be a legal document for designated areas for development.  It must be done in several stages with parish boundaries.  East Lindsey Planning Department must agree.  This will take one year to eighteen months.  A member of public asked if it was the same plan as produced in the year 2014 as we enquired about it and told to keep our noses out.    People complained about it on Facebook.  Mr Tait replied that it had no legal status.  Another member of the public wanted more information.  Mr Tait replied that District Councillor Colin Davie would like a meeting in November with the Councillors. The Chair stopped Mr Tait due to time and invited him to speak in more depth at the next Parish Council Meeting on 3rd November 2022.

A member of the public enquired about the missing dog poo bin which was outside the allotments.  The Chair replied that it had been run over by a tractor, but it was an ordinary rubbish bin.  The dog poo bin is further down the road. Another enquiry was about the picnic benches which had gone missing.  The Chair explained that these had been placed in the changing rooms for security reasons.  A member of the public mentioned about the road sweepers and not emptying the drains.  The Chair replied that it is the Parish Council’s responsibility to go round once a year and check the drains. The lack of a wheelie bin in the cemetery was mentioned and the Chairman replied that he hadn’t placed one in the cemetery yet. A member of the public spoke about the rubbish that had been left by the public. The state of the benches in the churchyard was mentioned. A member of the public suggested that the allocated rubbish bin should be placed next to the bench at Threeways.  The Chair said that the Council lacked volunteers to empty it as this would be the responsibility of the Council.  She also stated that the bench is looking poor and could do with a varnish.  The Chair replied that he would investigate this.  He asked everyone to be patient and he will try to deal with one problem each month.  He informed everyone that he had been on a Chair/Clerk training course which was intensive.  In the past two years things have not been done correctly at the Hogsthorpe Parish Council but from now on they will be.

  1.   Co-option vacancy for new Councillor – Brian Worley

Mr Brian Worley was unanimously elected as Councillor of the Hogsthorpe Parish Council.

  1.   Chair’s Welcome.  Chair will speak to Councillors.

The Chair informed the Councillors that having attended a training session of Chair/Clerk presented by LALC that he would in future be called the ‘Chair’ and the Councillors are Officers of Hogsthorpe Parish Council and not considered volunteers.The Council are responsible for each other as a group.

  1.   Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given

Amanda Green, Tim Smith and Mary Banks.

  1.   Notes of last Parish Meeting of 1st September 2022 to be approved as minutes.

The minutes were unanimously approved and signed as a true record of the Parish Meeting.

  1.   To receive any declaration of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensation.

None received.

  1.   To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings.

Charity Farm is running okay.Everything is fine.Nothing to report on Village Hall.Allotment tenants are still worried about intruders from the caravan park.It hasn’t been fully occupied this year, but we must be careful next year.

  1.   Playing Field Committee

It was suggested by the Chair to disperse the present committee of the playpark.To elect a new Chair and elect an outside committee to run it as a profit. Ellen Smith was nominated by Paul Smith and seconded by Chris Rolf.The Chair asked for a vote, and it was unanimous that Ellen Smith would become the new Chair of the playpark and she would select members from outside to be on the committee. The Clerk will take care of the finances. Any decisions regarding the playpark would be put forward to the Council first. A member of the public said that he had volunteered in the past but was never contacted.

  1.   Financial Matters.  Cheques to be signed.

The following cheques were signed:

  1.  HMRC TAX  -  £81.80
  2.  Clerk’s Salary  -  £665.70
  3.  Homeworking allowance  -  £26.00
  4.  Postage  -  £15.90
  5.  Stationery  -  £17.96
  6. Village Hall Hire  -  £15.00
  7. LALC Membership - £132.00
  8. Sid Dennis  -  £52.94
  9. 30 miles per hour Speed Signs and Dog Fouling Signs  -  £52.94
  10. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal  -  £50.00
  1.   Ground Maintenance – Matthew West

The Chair was given a three year Contract to be signed for Matthew West to maintain the shrubs and hedges in the cemetery/churchyard.Ellen Smith, his partner, was asked to leave the hall as there was an interest.The Chair informed Matthew West that he would investigate the contract and check the other grounds person’s contract.The Clerk informed him that his Contract would be ending in March 2023 and Matthew West’s Contract was starting in April 2023 and didn’t include the grass cutting and was a separate contract.The Chair asked Matthew West to carry out some small emergency repairs to the safety barrier and ladder in the toddlers’ play area.

  1.    Clerk’s Report

The Chair read out the Clerk’s Report.

  1.    Cemetery Mapping - Introducing a new system of recording burial plots and Fixed Asset Register.

The Clerk informed the Chair that she had sent links to the members of the Parish Council so they could look through all the information about Cemetery Mapping and Fixed Asset Register and have an idea how it works.She informed the Council that she was awaiting quotes from various companies.She will be attending a meeting next week to gain more information.She stated that several Parish Councils are now using these systems.It has an advantage so that the general public can view this on the internet and to find where their relatives are buried.

  1.    Speed Sign – Update

The Clerk stated that she is waiting for the insurance claim to be resolved.She showed Councillors the new 30 miles per hour signs that she ordered, and these will be placed throughout the village.Chris Rolf stated that he would like the community to have an input into which speed device they would like to see in the village.

  1.    Thames Meadow Drive – Update

The Clerk received an email from Liz Burnley which stated that she is trying to resolve the situation of Thames Meadow Drive being unadopted.The Clerk had sent photos of the state of the road and Liz Burnley informed her that she had received several complaints from residents.She is awaiting further information.

  1.    Date of next meeting to be agreed.

 It was agreed the next meeting will be on Thursday, 3 November 2022.

The Chair mentioned the remarks on Facebook of no confidence in the Parish Council.He stated that if anyone was not happy, please volunteer and then they can see what we have been doing.If anyone has anything to say tell us not write a Facebook criticism.

  1.    Closed session – complaints

   This could not be resolved due to absence.