May 2022 DRAFT Minutes Community Meeting

These are draft minutes and subject to change and amendment until approved at the next meeting on 9 June 2022





PRESENT:  John Midgley (Chairman), Tim Smith (Vice Chairman), Amanda Green (Chairman Playing Field)

Councillors:  Mary Banks, Angela Stubbs and Ellen Smith

Clerk & RFO Hogsthorpe:  Valerie Anne Worley   Clerk & RFO Wainfleet:  Maureen Clarke

Speaker: Councillor: Christine Alexander (CEO TUVIDA)

About 25 members of the public


  1.  Welcome.  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Community Meeting   
  2.  Report from the Parish Council Chairman on Parish Council matters.

The Chairman stated that the Council is now made up of new members.There is a new Clerk, Valerie Worley and a Playing Field Committee lead by Amanda Green.He stated that we must not forget the previous people that have given their time to the Council such as Mick Culley, Kay, Scott, and Les Wildman, to name just a few.Many thanks from the Parish Council.

He went on to state that the cemetery has had a new path and there have been problems with fences and trees falling down.He said that we are duty bound to maintain the cemetery.The wall leaning, trees and undergrowth.The Village Sign which had been hit by a vehicle was something we did not budget for.The Chairman feels now that the Council are working very hard and moving in the right direction to apply for the National Award Scheme NALC and to gain gold standard achievement award for best practice and for the Council to be efficient and improve the infrastructure and provision.He hopes to gain a working party to maintain the cemetery and Playing Field/Playpark.Finally, he thanked everyone for their attendance.

  1.  Playing Field/Playpark Update. 

The Chairman of the Playing Field, Amanda Green stated that she had visions of making the Playing Field into a profit-making project by developing the changing rooms into a community café whereby people could meet and enjoy social activity while enjoying snacks and refreshments.She stated that she had an idea to have wooden sleepers where people could have a plaque of remembrance for their past loved ones as a reminder of them. The charge would be £50.00 per year. This area would be a sensory garden.She also spoke about the woodland project that could bring funding into the Playing Field.Every so many trees planted would bring funding of £10,000.She would be hoping to gain £30,000 to develop the Playing field.There was objection to this as members of the public wanted to know exactly how many trees and if this would affect the space for playing sports on the field.Amanda stated that she and Tim had worked very hard clearing rubbish bags and strimming grass and trimming trees and shrubs to get the Playing Field ready for the Jubilee.She had designed a poster and leaflets would be available to post through the residents’ doors to advertise the Jubilee.She has arranged a disco for £150.00 to provide music for the Jubilee celebrations on Sunday 5 June 2022.The time will be 12-4pm.People are encouraged to bring their own blanket for picnics around the field if they wish to bring their own food.Refreshments will be sold, and seating will be provided, although people can also bring their own seating if they prefer.The Wildlife Trust will provide a stall.There will be raffles. An art competition for the children.People are also asked to wear red, white, and blue.There will be a competition for the best decorated house for Jubilee in Hogsthorpe. Amanda stated that she had contacted two roofers for quotes as there are tiles damaged and missing from the roof of the changing room.She has also managed to open a Bank account and receive 20% off the Council Tax.

  1.  Presentation.

Christine Alexander came to the meeting to speak about charities.She introduced herself as a CEO of the charity TUVIDA and a Councillor of Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council.She spoke about her early beginnings and how she had become involved in charity work through caring for her mother. She spoke about the television series ‘Crossroads’ and in particular, the actor Sandy who was paraplegic who played the part of a paraplegic.This brought to light the fact that people care for people with disabilities and people with disabilities also can work in acting roles. It was very unusual to show people with disabilities at the time.Of course, now people have much more knowledge of disability with equality and diversity.She proceeded to speak about her charity.The Chairman thanked her when she had finished.

  1.  Ideas and suggestions from the community for the way forward for Hogsthorpe

Members of the public objected to having too many trees within the Playing Field.One person pointed out that he would be unable to see if his children were safe if trees were planted too close to each other.At the moment, he can safely see them as the Playing Field is clear. There was a suggestion from a member of the public for a flagpole flying the Union Jack in the church ground or on the tower of the church.It was pointed out that the tower would not take the weight of the flagpole. Permission would have to be granted for this to be erected in the church ground.

A member of the public spoke about the speeding cars through the village and Thames Street.The previous Chairman stated that information on the speeding cars had been collected from the electronic speeding sign. This would be dealt with by the Chairman in the future.GNS and a member of the public asked why there were no longer going to be car boots held in the Playing Field.The Chairman of the Playing Field replied that at the moment she was preparing the Playing Field for the Jubilee event which was taking place on Sunday 5 June 2022 which consists of a picnic so therefore wanted the Playing Field neat and tidy.Another member of the public stated that GNS Hogsthorpe is not a registered charity.

The Chairman asked if anyone would like to volunteer as members of the Playing Field Committee. Steve and Bill volunteered.


           Maureen Clarke, the Clerk & RFO of Wainfleet St Mary’s Parish Council was thanked for the hard work involved in mentoring the Hogsthorpe Parish Clerk.

           Christine Alexander was thanked for attending the meeting and for giving her very interesting speech on charities.  They were both presented with flowers for their contribution.   


There will be a Playing Field AGM Meeting on 9 June 2022 at 6pm followed by the Hogsthorpe Parish Council Meeting at 7pm

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.