October 2024
Present: Cllrs Fran Wilson (Incoming Chairman) Diane Hanson (Incoming Vice Chairman) Chris Rolph, Mary Banks, Ellen Smith, Pauline Perry
Clerk: Kath Hayes
Also present: 4 members of the public (2 of which left after the Public Forum)
Cllr Fran Wilson was proposed as Chairman and duly voted in by all members
Cllr Diane Hanson was proposed as Vice Chairman and duly voted in by all members.
A member of the public brought to the Council’s attention that rubbish and rubbish bins were being dumped on the pavement at the lower end of the High Street making it hazardous for pedestrians to continue on the footpath without having to step onto the road. This part of the road is very near the sharp bend and this could very easily be the cause of a serious accident. It was agreed that the council would investigate this and take it up with the owner of the property and the appropriate authority. Another resident noted that the bin collectors left bins in a haphazard way outside properties again making it difficult to pass. It was recommended that this be reported to ELDC every time it happened.
Another resident asked if there was anything the Parish Council could do about the chronic issue of dog mess. He had caught a culprit on camera which he had reported and it was anticipated that a prosecution would take place. Certain owners were completely ignoring the numerous posters to pick up. He made a suggestion that instead of spending money on re-installing speeding cameras, it could be spent on cameras to catch dog fouling incidents. This would not be permissible for the Parish Council as a public body to undertake as it would contravene the Data Protection Act. It was explained that dog fouling was not a parish council problem but the comments were taken seriously and the council would take this up with ELDC authorities and the dog warden. Other measures which might be taken would be considered by the Parish Council and action taken accordingly.
Discussion took place on the usefulness of speeding cameras and it was explained that the data is recorded and a report produced for the police who will act on this report and encourage them to provide police speeding monitoring. General thinking is that speeding cameras are a deterrent to speeding but certain drivers will still ignore them.
1. APOLOGIES – Cllr Bernadette Hornby, Dist Cllr Roger Dawson. Cllr Ray Murray was absent without apologies being received.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Rolph and Cllr Wilson – item 12 Allotments.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 4th September 2024 were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.
The clerk read out her report, noting that all councillor positions were now filled. All other items are on the agenda.
i. Cllr Banks reported that repairs had been carried out on Charity Farm and both properties were now tenanted.
ii. The Village Hall open day had been very disappointing with very few visitors.
The village hall open day had been poorly attended. A few residents showed an interest in the old photographs which we were able to display. One person completed the questionnaire. There was no interest shown in the Playpark display.
Nothing to report.
i) The Financial Statement to the end September showing a bank balance of £25,093 was unanimously approved. The clerk noted that there would be very little further income coming in before the end of the current financial year and this balance would be depleted.
ii) It was proposed and agreed that Cllrs Wilson and Cllr Hornby would be added as signatories on the bank mandate. The appropriate documents will be completed and signed and sent to the bank. No confirmation had yet been received from the bank for the addition of Cllr Hanson to the signatories – Clerk to chase this up.
iii) There was still a further query from HSBC to be answered in order that the funds for the Hogsthorpe Plan Steering Group could be released to the Parish Council.
iv) As the meeting was being held late, cheques had been signed on 28th September of £708.00 to K Hayes for salary and £177 To HMRC. Further cheques were signed at the meeting for £493.86 for clerk expenses (which included the purchase of a printer), £384 to J Thraves for playpark grasscutting, £23.58 to Sid Dennis for bin emptying, £15 for Village Hall hire, £48 to RDR for reinstatement of village sign, £255 to F.Wilson for purchase of Heritage garden plants, and £310.50 to Charity of Thomas Goodwin for annual rent of Allotments.
v) Grants – Two District Councillor grants were available of £600 each. It is proposed that one grant should be used towards purchase of a new Parish Council Notice Board. It was proposed that investigations be undertaken whether the other be used for the playpark equipment repairs. Clerk to check into this.
i) The review and revamp of the Burial Regulations, having been circulated to all Councillors, was approved. These would now be put into publication with a copy being sent to undertakers and memorial masons.
ii) The Chairman read out the updated report of schedule of maintenance. Lots of work had been completed but certain items were still outstanding. The cemetery was now looking much tidier now that the cut grass was being removed. Pollarding of the front trees and cutting back of the hedge had been organised. It had been agreed to remove the iron gate and post and cut back the adjoining wall to neaten the end of the removed wall. Clerk to contact appropriate contractors. The Chairman and Clerk would plan other work as and when time allowed.
iii) It had been agreed that the oak tree would be replanted where an old tree had been uprooted. Chair to confirm this with PCC.
iv) Grave Memorials – the Clerk had still to contact some grave owners to request that ornaments be removed from the grave areas.
v) It was agreed that the clerk would investigate the costs of gaining assistance from BRAMM (British Register of Accredited Masons) for an audit of the gravestones. This would be considered over the next few months.
i. Replacement of the Parish Council notice board was discussed. It was agreed that it would be ideal to place the current one for use in the cemetery ground and look at prices for a new Parish Council notice board. After discussion, it was agreed that the new Parish Council notice board should still be sited in the churchyard but could be moved further down opposite the shop. Clerk to look into costings and make an application for a grant.
ii. The village sign had now been reinstalled by RDR. It was agreed that the repaired sign is a very artistic piece of work by the local artist and a credit to the village.
iii. Cllr Rolph had not yet had an opportunity to arrange for poles for speeding cameras to be erected.
iv. Benches in the Heritage garden had been repainted.
v. A map from Highways had been received which appeared to show only those areas of grasscutting throughout the village which could be the Parish Council’s responsibility under a Parish Agreement. After discussion it was agreed by a vote of 6 to 1 that the Parish Council would complete the appropriate paperwork required by Highways to undertake the maintenance of all highway verges within the urban envelope as marked on the plan from Highways. Cllr Rolph asked that prior to completion of this, confirmation is sought that these areas can be returned to Highways if needed in future. The grass cutter contractor would be contacted to discuss arrangements.
vi. The broken dog poo bin on Langham Lane would be removed. A request had been put in for a larger bin to be installed on Mill Lane. It was agreed that the comments made in the public forum about the mess being left by dog owners would be dealt with by contacting ELDC – Cllr Rolph to take up.
vii. Other work still to be completed to neaten up the village would be considered in due course when time allows.
Cllr Smith – Playpark Chairman – reported that a meeting had been held and minutes would be published. Car boot events would come to a close at the end of the month but would be replaced by two table tops per month in the village hall throughout the winter. The profits on these would be shared between the playing field and the village hall. Playpark finances were in a good position. The repairs and painting of the equipment would have to wait until the spring. Ther car boot signs would be renewed by new ones.
i. The rules and regulations have been revised. After reviewal by the allotment tenants, they would be presented to the Parish Council for ratification.
ii. It was agreed that the tenant allotment fees should remain at £35 per annum for the coming year.
iii. Quotes were being obtained for the repair/renewal of the fence.
No new planning applications had been received.
Cllr Smith was booked on the LALC zoom programme for Chair in her capacity as Playpark Chairman. Clerk to also book Cllr Wilson on this course.
It was agreed to purchase a Christmas tree once more for the churchyard. The PCC would be asked if anyone could help in erecting it. No Christmas party would be held this year.
The next meeting was arranged for 6pm Wednesday 6th November 2024.
Nothing of note.
A closed session was held at the end of the meeting to update the councillors on the outcome of the tribunal case.
Discussion was held on the various responsibilities to be taken on by councillors. Decision to be reported at next month’s meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30 pm
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