April 2024 Minutes
Present: Cllr Chris Rolph (Acting Chairman) Mary Banks, Ellen Smith, Stephen Day
Clerk: K Hayes
Also present: Dist Cllr Roger Dawson + 2 members of public (one left after Public Forum)
A member of the public, first of all congratulated the person for the work that had been put in at the heritage garden (by the village sign) to make it look so good.
He then went on to say that certain things needed doing in the village (a) the village sign needed to be put back (b) the churchyard needed to be tidied (c) he complained that there was no privacy in the cemetery now that the wall had been taken down (d) dogs were being allowed to run loose (e) the entrance wall to the churchyard needed to be reinstated and (f) the wall next to the kissing gate needed re-building (g) he did not like the way the gravestones had been laid flat (h) he had heard that the Parish Council were planning on laying down the gravestones against the wall between his property and the church grounds he was not in agreement with this.
Comments from the council: There was an item on the agenda with regard to the churchyard and items (b) (d) & (f) would be dealt with under that item.
With regard to Item (a), this is under way and completed as soon as the carving is finished.
Under item (c) Cllr Banks stated that she preferred the openness of the churchyard as she felt less vulnerable and others shared her view. Cllr Day also commented that the boundary of the churchyard was now beyond the collapsed wall and ran through to the fence at the back. There is no expectation of privacy in a public place.
Under item (e) It was pointed out that some of the front wall had been taken down so that the contractor could take in a vehicle to remove the bricks from the collapsed wall. The member of the public was informed that the church took responsibility for the removal of the collapsed wall and the bricks taken away. They had done this in conjunction with the Diocese and because the reinstatement of the wall was beyond the council s financial constraints as the cost to build it back to the original heritage state would be totally out of the question. If the member of the public and any others who were complaining must write to the church authorities.
Item (g) this was his own opinion but the church had taken the decision that this was the best way to preserve the gravestones so that the names could be read.
Item (h) The council were looking into this with the Diocese as the wall is leaning. No decision had been taken yet.
One other member of the public asked if the litter picking would be re-instated. This will be brought up under the agenda for the Annual Parish Community Meeting on the 9th May.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - None at this stage but Cllr Smith did not partake in the discussions under item 8(vi). Cllr Rolph declared an interest on any discussion on Allotments.
The Minutes of the meeting of the 7th March 2024 were unanimously approved and signed by the Acting Chairman.
The clerk read out her report.
i) Cllr Dawson reported that two of the senior Planning Committee officers had resigned. He was continuing his interest in the planning processes. The local plan review is still under consideration even though it is two years behind schedule. He had asked that a formal planning scrutiny committee be set up. There was a new discussion group being set up to discuss a much simplified version of the neighbourhood plan called the Neighbourhood Policy Statement. Other Government procedures being introduced were the Street Vote. Addlethorpe were also setting up a WhatsApp group to discuss Neighbourhood plans. Cllr Smith and Cllr Banks noted their interest in joining this group.
ii) Cllr Banks reported that the village hall meeting had been held at which Cllr Smith and the Clerk had attended. It had been agreed that the Playing Field committee would work with the Village Hall committee on combining the Car Boot events. Cllr Smith also noted that she was trying to set up Bingo sessions in the village hall.
* The clerk noted that an apology had been sent to the local business after naming them in the last draft minutes. The Minutes had been duly amended.
* Following the last meeting, a letter had been sent to the church agreeing that the churchyard, the walls, fences, trees, the war memorial and general maintenance were the responsibility of the Parish Council. Concern was noted about the oak tree planted near the front wall, asking for it to be removed or relocated. The church had acknowledged this letter.
i) Year End accounts were presented showing a year end balance at the bank of 15485. The accounts and documentation were now ready to take to the internal auditor.
ii) The AGAR documentation of the Certificate of Exemption, Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements were duly signed by the Acting Chairman and the Clerk.
iii) The asset register had not yet been visually checked through although the clerk had made amendments in what she believed were the true figures. This item would be brought forward to the AGM in May.
iv) Insurance quotes had not yet been received to be agreed at the AGM in May.
v) The clerk asked for consideration of allowing extra expert help when required from the Web manager. This was agreed.
vi) Cheque payments were agreed for £69.34 to K Hayes for homeworking allowance, postage and stationery, £877.50 to Robert Auldrich for grasscutting and £250 to Hogsthorpe Allotment Association for the annual maintenance.
i) Cllr Rolph stated that he and the clerk are working with the Diocese with regard to the removal of the gravestones leaning against the north wall. No further correspondence has been received yet.
ii) The benches are now painted up and are awaiting installation. Discussion took place on who would be able to do the installation This would need at least three people as the concrete ends were very heavy. Clerk to look into getting volunteers.
iii) The war memorial needs a little bit of TLC. Clerk noted that a grant used to be obtained from the War Graves Commission and she would check into whether this was still available.
iv) The waste bin is not now being used for household waste but is being regularly checked.
v) Cllr Smith reported that the dog sign and the sign for disposal of waste had not yet been fixed.
vi) In addition to the complaint under Public Forum, the clerk had noted that the churchyard needed a general tidy up. After discussion it was agreed that a quote would be obtained from Matthew West for carrying out the work, installing the signs for dogs and waste disposal. It was proposed and agreed that the clerk will email councillors with this quote and agree that it should go ahead without further quotes being obtained as the work was required urgently.
vii) The clerk had still to finalise the burial plan to check that gravestones were where they should be.
viii) With regard to other Public Forum complaints not previously answered:
Item (d) dogs it is hoped that the sign being erected will stop dogs entering the cemetery but, if not, it is up to members of the public to point this out. It was suggested that we ask the ELDC dog warden for help on this. Item (f) The wall near the kissing gate was owned by the private property. They had removed the bricks and rubble from the churchyard side clerk to enquire if they can re-instate the wall.
ix) General discussion took place on what is happening with the proposal made some years ago for a hearse parking space. It was agreed that the Clerk will write to the Church authorities and ask if this is still planned.
i) No meeting has been held yet. Cllr Smith reported that she now had 7 members on the committee. A meeting was planned soon.
ii) The clerk had completed year end accounts for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 as far as possible with the information she had. The balance of the Playpark account stood at 4294 at the year end. Payments were made to ELDC of £87.20 for rates for 2 years of 2023-24 and 2024-25. Payment was also made to Opus Energy for £752.23 for electricity which had not been paid since October 2021.
iii) Grasscutting contract. As agreed at the last meeting, the contract for grasscutting of the playpark had been given to Joe Thraves.
iv) It was agreed that the benches may be beyond repair as they could not be fitted into concrete. It was agreed that the Playpark Committee will look into replacement benches on which the plaques would be reinstated.
10. BENCH INSTALLATIONS AND MEMORIAL PLAQUES It is understood that the groundwork for installation of the village benches would be started soon.
i. N/084/000386/24 Land at Langham Lane No objection
ii. N/084/00512/24 Erection of 2 houses on Performing Arts Studio lane. An objection would be sent on the grounds that it is believed to be on the flood plain and that it would exceed the number of properties allowed under the National Plan.
The clerk gave out fliers and posters to advertise the upcoming APCM for distribution throughout the village. Posters would be posted onto telegraph posts. Clerk to check with YMCA if they had results from the survey. There is a QR on the website for the survey.
14 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be 9th May for the AGM at 6 pm and 7pm for the APCM.
It was noted that a letter had been received from HSBC concerning an account for Hogsthorpe Parish Plan Group stating that there were funds in the account. Nothing was known of this but it was being investigated.
CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at the end of the meeting to discuss upcoming court cases.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.40 pm
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