March 2022 DRAFT Minutes

These are draft minutes and subject to change and amendment until approved at the next Meeting on 14 April 2022.


PRESENT:  John Midgley (Chairman), Paul Smith (Vice Chairman) Councillors: Mary Banks, Amanda Green and Tim Smith

Also present:  11 members of the public

The Chairman informed everyone that the Playing Field Meeting could not go ahead as there was not a quorum (two members of the Playing Field Committee present)

The Chairman had received a complaint the day before the meeting that had gone to the Monitoring Officer, but stated that this would be dealt with later.

Members of the public were allowed to enter discussions now and the Chairman asked for the first enquiry.  A member of the public asked about rumours to close the playpark.  The Chairman replied that he had not heard these rumours that had apparently were posted on Facebook and informed him that they were totally untrue.

The Chairman asked for a round of applause for Roy and Jen for their great efforts in obtaining funds for the lifeboat RNLI.  Well done!

A member of the public said that she had been refused a copy of a Statement which was read out in public at the Meeting of 3 February 2022.  She said she had been a Clerk for Hogsthorpe Parish Council from October 2015 to 2020.  She said she was proud of her reputation as a well-known Clerk and there was no dishonesty over the printer or collusion between the previous Chairman and herself.  She affirmed that she had never been corrupt or made slanderous remarks. She asked the Council to attach a report that she had collated with the minutes of this meeting.  The Chairman agreed.  The report is attached.  She also asked the Chairman for a copy of the Statement.  The chairman replied that she should send a letter requesting this to the Clerk as previously she had asked for this in an email and the Chairman stated that this was not seen as a public record. An ex-Chairman spoke about the statement from Amanda Green and Tim Smith and said that he felt the contents were untrue and from their imagination.

A member of the public mentioned the speed camera details of the readings and the Chairman handed him the recordings.  Another member of the public suggested that the speed sign had not been used for at least one and a half years, although it had been sited also in Thames Street, Hogsthorpe.

A member of the public mentioned that there were green bags dumped in the cemetery and the bushes were overhanging some gravestones and these were unable to be seen because of this. Two members of the public showed photos on their mobile phones. There was also moss growing on the kissing gates.

Another member of the public said she was confused about the new pathways.  What paths the public were allowed to walk down and what paths not to walk down due to trespassing.

A member asked the question of when will we be meeting in the smaller room now that COVID19 restrictions have been lifted?  The Chairman replied that he would have to wait for confirmation.

A Good Neighbour Scheme member spoke about price rise of the village hall and stated that this had gone up by 100%.  Does the Council step in with funding?  The Chairman replied that these are two separate issues and he had spoken to Pauline Kirkham and she had stated the prices had not gone up for two years. They would have to discuss this with her. 


138.  Chairman’s Welcome:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed the public that any disruption to the meeting will be dealt with effectively and wouldn’t be allowed.  The Chairman informed everyone that the Playing Field Meeting could not go ahead as there was not a quorum.

139.  Absence and acceptance of reasons given:  Kay Bingham (Chairman of the Playing Field) and Angela Stubbs (Councillor)

140.  Notes of the last Parish Meeting held on 3 February 2022 to be approved as minutes:  4 members approved 1 abstained.

141.  To receive any declaration of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations:  None received.

142.  To receive reports from outside bodies:  Charity Farm is doing fine.  A Meeting is coming up soon.  An AGM is held every year.  Mary Banks suggested that everyone is welcome to the meeting.  GNS stated that they have plans for the Jubilee celebrations, such as, a ‘picnic on the playing field’ and refreshments in the summer.  Jackie expressed concern over the fee for the village hall hire as they were not making enough money from the coffee mornings. The Chairman suggested the Clerk would research funding.  The Chairman of the allotments stated that all allotments are taken.  There are twelve people on the waiting list.  Six of these are from Chapel, but residences from Hogsthorpe will take priority.  Everything is running smoothly.

143.  Clerk’s Report:  This was read out by the Chairman and outlined the work and progress that the Clerk had achieved.  This included passing the Introduction to Local Council Administration Certificate (ILCA).  Reporting works to FixMyStreet and applying for funding etc.  The Clerk produced a monthly accounts’ record, and this will be used in future.

144.  Councils’ response to statements by Cllrs Amanda Green and Tim Smith that were read out in the Hogsthorpe Parish Meeting of 3 February 2022. The Chairman read the Councils’ response and suggested this will be the end of the matter.

145.  Financial Matters:   Cheques for £439.63 to Paul Smith for Canon Printer, £154.00 to SLCC Membership fee for Clerk, £32.00 and £15.00  to The Village Hall, £26.00 allowance for Clerk, £240.00 to R. Aldrich were signed. 

146.  Report on the progress on the churchyard footpath by Alex Johnson and when he will be starting the playpark path around the Village Hall:  After enquiries by the Clerk. Alex Johnson will be starting the work on Saturday 5 March 2022.  He has had problems with staff off sick due to COVID19 and he has been unable to get tarmac from the suppliers.

147.  Heritage Garden.  Repair of sign:  The village sign has been damaged due to a vehicle hitting it. Red and white tape has been placed around the area as this is a safety issue to the public.  The police have been informed but they have told us they have had no reports of a vehicle hitting the sign so far.  We have an incident number.  It was suggested by a member of the public that the S106 monies could pay to fix it or renew it.  It is now difficult to care for the heritage garden where the sign is as its quite a big area that the red and white tape covers.

148.  Review of the amount of money that will be paid back into the Parish Council account once the playpark is up and running:  Awaiting new bank account and members of the Play Field Committee were absent.

149.  Grass Cutting quotes for coming year:  The Clerk reported that Aldrich’s prices will remain the same until 2023.  Mary Banks stated that we still need quotes from other people.  The Clerk told her that there is one other so far and he is a lot higher than Aldrich.

150.  Position on the S106 monies:  The Clerk has emailed Elaine Henton and waiting for a reply regarding this fund.

151.  Churchyard Wall:  The wall needs a specialist company as it must be of the same stones and dimensions.  There is a quote from Smith and Western for £1550.  The Clerk will research other companies.  The gravestones can be moved from the wall but there is fear that the wall might be damaged by the weight of the gravestones if they are put back in the same position.

152.  Review issues raised by Play Field Committee:  Unable to achieve this review as absence of Committee members.

153.  Decide on the date of the next meeting:  The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14 April 2022


As ex clerk to Hogsthorpe Parish Council, I would like the following to be read out at the meeting and due consideration be given to my comments.


Firstly, I wish my comments to be recorded with the minutes of this meeting.


I wish all members of the council and the public to know that I have been refused copies of the statements read out at the last meeting.  As far as I know, these could be lies and fabrications of the truth but, having been refused a copy, I must surmise what they contained.


I must denounce any statement that I was ever anything but an honest clerk during my time from October 2015 to 2020 and would never knowingly, as an employee of the council have done anything which was disreputable.  I am proud of my reputation as a well-known parish clerk.


Printer – clarification of this has now been ratified at a council meeting although I cannot find any record of the decision in the published minutes.  There was no dishonesty in this transaction and I refute any suggestion that there may have been.  


Re the previous clerk appointment.  There was always animosity between the two authors of the statements and the last clerk as they still believed that her appointment was collusion between her and myself.   I will, yet again, re-iterate that the job was properly advertised on the LALC site, that there was no collusion, and the clerk was appointed very fairly by an independent panel (as was confirmed by the monitoring officer).  I was present at the interview process just in case there were any questions on what the job entailed.   I did not influence the panel’s decision in any way or take part at all in the process.   Just to clarify – I may have said that there was a suitable person to replace me (and mentioned her name) as I did not believe that there would be any other applicants for the position – there being an acute shortage of qualified clerks.  When three applications were received, I was surprised and open-minded and did not mention anyone’s name or state any preference again.  Copies of all CV’s were given to the councillors as they were the employers – not me.


All other things which happened during that Clerk’s time is a matter for her or any current or ex-councillor to take up themselves should they wish.  I have never been corrupt, made slanderous or malicious remarks but have merely stated the facts taken from published minutes which were signed off as correct records.


I would state that I, and others, had drawn a line under the happenings over the last 18 months since I resigned, but this has been resurrected again by the two councillors concerned.   I am now willing to let previous grievances be dropped, provided everyone else is, so that the council, under its new leadership, together with what is now deemed to be a ‘competent’ clerk, can move on and get on with the proper business of the Parish Council without digging up dirt from the past.  I only hope that there will now be compete transparency and honesty within the council and there will be no more secrets kept from members of the public.


I wish you well.


Kath Hayes

Clerk to the Council October 2015 to October 2022