April 2021 Minutes


Present: Cllrs L Wildman (Chairman), M Culley (Vice Chairman), P Smith, M Banks, T Smith and K Stafford (Clerk)

Also present: County Cllr C Davie, District Cllr P Hibbert- Greaves and 9 members of the public



A member of the public requested another bench was put in the village at Threeways.  It was agreed to include this on the agenda for further discussion

A member of the public asked whether we could have a speed camera in the village.  The Chairman explained this was not possible but the Council are looking to set up a Community Speedwatch Group.

A member of the public asked a question about reserved plots in the cemetery.  The Clerk explained the procedure for how it works.

A member of the public asked what roads were due to be repaired over the next 12 months.  Cllr Davie asked which roads he was concerned about and said he would get them inspected as a matter of urgency.

A member of the public asked whether we could have CCTV in the playpark due to the issue of littering and if we could have more bins in the village.  In particular, on the High Street near the Saracens Head.

The chairman informed her there was CCTV and the Vice Chair explained that rubbish was being dropped on the floor despite the bins not being full.  It was agreed the Clerk would contact ELDC to see if possible to be provided with another bin for the High Street.

A member of the public asked where the rubbish collected by the volunteer litter pickers should go. The Chair asked that it be placed by the bin outside the village hall.


  1. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME – The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting commencing at 6.44 pm
  2. APOLOGIES – Cllr Amanda Green due to ill health.  The Chairman wished her the best and a speedy recovery
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - It was resolved that the notes of the Meeting of 3 March 2021 be accepted as a true record of the proceedings and were duly signed by the Chairman.  As a matter arising from the last meeting, Cllr M Banks reported she could see no issue with the overgrown field entrance raised by a member of the public.  The Chairman confirmed this had been dealt with by the farmer.
  4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – The Chairman declared his interest in the allotments
    1. Heritage project funds – The Clerk explained the S106 agreements did not exist any more so was struggling to find someone to deal with it at the District Council.  Cllr P Hibbert-Greaves said he knew Planning were trying to deal with them and would chase this up on the Parish Council’s behalf
    2. Grasscutting contract – The Chair confirmed the original grasscutter has been reappointed for the year as he was the cheapest.  He has also offered a fixed 3 year price.  However, the contract will be reviewed annually
    3. Dog bin and signs – Awaiting new dog bin still. Signs to be put out tomorrow by Chair and Vice Chair
    4. Speedwatch group – The Chairman is looking at setting up the Group and will update at the next meeting.  The Vice Chairman proposed having white boundary fences at the entrances to the village which the police informed him help with speeding.  Cllr Banks had also previously requested them as they look attractive.  Agreed Clerk to price them up and put on the next agenda
    5. Litter picking around village – The Clerk confirmed that the only two volunteers had come forward to help with litter picking.  Both would prefer to do it solely though due to Covid restrictions.  The Chairman stated that no-one should be going out alone and it needed to be discussed to go out as a group in the future. 

Cllr Banks informed the meeting that she had noticed the drains had now been cleared and a survey had been carried out on some pavements.

  1. The Chairman informed the meeting he had collected all the allotment rents of £752.50 and has two and a half allotments free.  One will go to a Hogsthorpe resident before offering the others to applicants from Chapel St Leonards
  2. Cllr Banks informed the meeting that the village hall was continuing to function as before with the meals
  3. Cllr Banks informed the meeting that Charity Farm was running fine and hoping for a meeting in June.
  4. Cllr Davie informed the meeting that the County Council has £7.5 million from DEFRA to alleviate flooding issues.  The Council will also take over holding sandbags in event of an emergency and local councils would be asked in the future if they wanted to hold a stock.  Cllr Davie thanked everyone for their support over the last four years and confirmed he would continue to support Hogsthorpe should he be re-elected.  The Chairman thanked Cllr Davie for his support over the last few months dealing with problems faced by the Parish Council.
  5. Cllr P Hibbert- Greaves informed the meeting that ELDC was launching a campaign called ‘Care for our Coast, Care for our Countryside, Care for our Community’ to advise visitors how to conduct themselves whilst visiting the area.


  1. The Financial Statement for the year end to 31st March 2021 showing a balance at the bank of £29470.41 was unanimously approved.
  2. This year’s assets remain unchanged and it was resolved the Clerk to renew the annual insurance policy providing no major deviations
  1.      Payment of accounts was approved for:
    1. Sid Dennis waste collection - £13.22
    2. SLCC membership for the Clerk - £120
    3. Team Knowhow cloud backup for files - £40
  2. ELECTIONS – The Chairman ran through the extra precautions being put in place for the upcoming elections taking Covid regulations into account
  3. THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION - members of the public left the meeting
  4.  It was resolved to approve the recommendations of the Staffing Committee meeting of 10 March 2021
  5. The Council moved out of closed session

The date of the Annual Parish Meeting and the AGM meeting was discussed.This took into account the regulations regarding remote meetings which will end on 7 May 2021 and covid restrictions for physical meetings which means they cannot take place until 17 May at the earliest and then with other restrictions which could mean the meeting not going ahead.The situation made it impossible for the AGM and Annual Parish Meeting to go ahead at the original date set for 14 May 2021.It was therefore agreed these meetings would take place on 5 May 2021 via zoom commencing at 6pm.The Playing Fields meeting would be delayed until a later date.

Meeting closed at 1926 hours