PFC February 2020 Minutes

Minutes Of Meeting Of Hogsthorpe Playing Fields Committee Held On Wednesday 5th February 2020



Committee: Amanda Green (Acting Chair) K Hayes (Secretary) E Carter, M Culley, L Wildman, P Smith

Others: Cllr B Hornby, Cllr M Banks & 3 members of the public


1. Minutes of meeting of 4th December 2019 were approved and signed by A Green.


2. Report from Secretary/Treasurer

a) Financial statement for the period to 31st December showing a balance of £7865 was approved.

b) Secretary confirmed that the accounts, trustee report and audit report had been submitted to the Charity Commission. They would now be on-line.

c) There were no payments of accounts. Monthly D/D to Opus Energy ran at approx. £26 per month.


3. Maintenance

a) Signage. AG had sourced a Playing Fields sign at £51.60 – agreed to purchase in White and Green.

b) The wire rope needed for the children’s playpark is being sourced.

c) Bins are being re-fixed to the ground and general maintenance carried out on Monday.

d) It was agreed that pressure washer cleaning of the playpark surface should be done when weather permits.

e) It was agreed that LW should obtain quotes for laying of the patio outside the changing rooms and for a wider door for disabled entry to the toilets. Grants were being sought but it was agreed that this work could be done out of current funds if not too expensive.


4. Grants update

KH had applied for a Co-op Grant and two others to the People’s Postcode Lottery. She was in the process of finding more funding and would be putting in another application to Triton Knoll.


5. Football

Unfortunately, the person who had moved into Hogsthorpe who KH hoped would help with a football club was too involved with Alford to take this up.


6. Summer fete committee meeting update

AG reported that she had contacted the radio stations and the local press to publicise the event. Bookings were being made and the craft stallers were being contacted. Copy of meeting notes attached.


7. Flyer to residents – Car Book and Summer Fete information would be put in next Newsletter. A separate flier to all properties would be done early June.


8. Date of next meeting


Next meeting was set for 4th March 2020.