PFC July 2019 Minutes

Minutes Of Meeting Of Hogsthorpe Playing Fields Committee Held On Wednesday 3rd July 2019


Committee: A Green (Vice Chairman) K Hayes (Secretary) E Carter, M Culley, L Wildman

Others: Cllr Bernadette Hornby, Cllr Mary Banks, Sheila Cornew,

Apologies: V Worley


1. Minutes of meeting of 5th June 2019 were approved and signed by the Vice Chairman


2. Report from Secretary/Treasurer

a) Financial Statement for quarter to 30th June showing a balance at the bank of £11472.82 was approved. There would be a large expenditure of approx. £2,500 for the CCTV installation.

b) The secretary noted that the summer fete income was £523 which included a donation from the resident of £100 and stall takings. This, less expenditure on the day of £122.30 made a profit on the day of £400.70. Further expenditure to be taken from this of banners and first aid cover amounted to £244.90 giving a net profit of £156.70. Further income of £54 has been paid into the bank and a cheque from the Rotary Club of Alford & Mablethorpe of £100 is expected. Thus, the present net income from Events is currently £310.70. This would have been greatly increased if there had been more visitors.

c) Payment of accounts was approved for £276.04 to L Wildman for paint and various repair items


3. Maintenance

a) Playpark painting of equipment – paint is now to hand. Volunteer cannot now paint the equipment so this will be done by LW over the coming weeks. LW has sourced a cheaper paint suitable for the job and was given authorisation to purchase this and be reimbursed before the next meeting.

b) General Upkeep and Grasscutting – The ground is now in a much better state. PS suggested that the perimeter of the playing fields be strimmed. LW will spray with weed-killer during the autumn.

c) Signage is still to be reviewed.

d) Other ‘bits and bobs’. The door grill will be cleaned and greased in the winter. Missing panel in the playpark to be replaced (LW), EC will obtain a toilet roll holder. The floor paint in hallway to the changing rooms was scratched during the recent events.


4. Annual Playpark Inspection

It was agreed to ask the same inspector to undertake an annual playpark inspection again.



The contractor has now finished installing the cameras and monitoring equipment. There is a need for renewing of a buried cable to the cameras. A date for this is being planned. The total cost should still come within the grant awarded.

This contractor will quote also for a fire extinguisher for the kitchen.

KH is still in the process of putting in a policy and procedure document.

6. Picnic Area

EC/KH/AG to get together to source the requirements for the picnic area so that an application for a grant can be submitted. They will also put together a list of other needs for the playing fields.


7. Fundraising & Events

a) The Summer fete had been a success although the footfall had not been as large as hoped. Next year we will plan for a bigger and better event.

b) The car boot at the end of June was much improved with 11 cars – charged £4 per car (total £44). Many of the sellers had suggested holding them more often but it was agreed that this could not be managed at present and would remain at one per month for this year.

c) The advertising of the events – three lots of boards put out, one set of which was again stolen. It is agreed that more needs to be done with signage and publicity.

d) Suggestions for other events – Interest has been shown from a group to hold a classic car event on the field. Also an enquiry for use by an archery club (not since been back to us). Further suggestions would be welcome.

e) Grants – There could be problems putting up a kissing gate at the entrance to the public pathway especially as the planning application for 89 houses has outlined a cycle path for this right of way. A grant for the picnic area would be sought – closing date of 1st August for Grantscape so time is limited.


8. Date of next meeting

Next meeting was set for 6pm on 2nd September 2019 at 6.00 pm.