November 2023

 HELD ON THURSDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Present: Cllrs Les Wildman (Chairman) Mary Banks, Ellen Smith, Stephen Day
Clerk: K Hayes
Also present: 2 members of the Public (for Public Forum only)


i) A member of the public said he was pleased to report that the street light at South End was now working.   They asked that the speed camera be moved back to its original location on the lamp post. Chairman confirmed this would be done as soon as Cllr Rolph returned.

ii) Members of the public also spoke about the flooding.  They had their own pump but found that it was not only clearing their own water away but was coming back round for them for them to pump out again.   The Environment Agency had asked the Drainage Board to clean out the dykes but their policy is to leave 20% in the bottom of the dykes.   The dykes have since been cleaned but the grass has been left on the banks, with the possible effects that these will be blown back into the dykes.   It was appreciated that large parts of the country had been flooded but something needed to be done with a national policy put in place stop this kind of re-occurrence.  Drains in the village were not being cleaned out properly.  A member of the public was putting together a drains plan of where exactly these drains were in relation to houses and this would be reported to Highways when completed.

iii) Christmas Events - see Item 14.

1. APOLOGIES - Cllr Chris Rolph 


The Minutes of the meeting of the 5th October 2023 were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.

The clerk read out her report.    

i) Cllr Banks reported that there has been no meeting of the Village Hall Committee.

ii) Cllr Banks reported that there was now a new tenant in the charity property.

iii) The clerk reported that she and a member of the public went on the Grants funding seminar in Alford with a view to finding funding for a 5-a-side football/basketball pitch for the Playing Field. The levelling up grants which had no limit were still available but the information required to apply would entail a huge amount of padding in village surveys etc and they also required a 50% match funding.  This could be from other sources but would require grant applications to be completed to other funders.  It was thought that in view of the shortness of time, it would be impossible to get this in on time.   There was other GRASSroots funding up to a maximum of £25,000 but again this could require match funding of 25%.  YMCA offered help with getting in touch with local people to try and increase the input from residents.  It was agreed that the clerk should get in touch with them to get any help they could give.   The clerk retains information on the funding requirements.

Email from team supervisor of the Pride in East Lindsey offering help with improving the areas with grounds maintenance, litter picking, etc.  It was agreed that the clerk get in touch with the group to see what they could offer.


i) Budget setting.  There were no capital expenditure items identified for the coming year.  The clerk would prepare the budget accordingly.

ii) The clerk asked for authorisation to spend £128 on a new Grants of Rights of Burial book.  Authorisation was given.

iii) The council agreed to a donation of £50 to be included with the payment to British Legion for the poppy wreaths.  Payment of cheques were agreed and signed for  100 to British Legion, £433.46 to K Hayes for salary, £108.20 to HMRC for PAYE, £32.75 to K Hayes for homeworking allowance and stationery, £100 to R Bryant for gravedigging, £82.80 to LALC for web site training and re-setting of the web page less the credit for auditor, and £15 for hire of Village Hall.

iv) The clerk believed that there were a further one or two payments owing to the gravedigger for previous burials of ashes.  She noted that one of these burials was not charged but she had no way of knowing who had arranged the interment.  She would check again with the gravedigger on what was owed to him.

v) The application for a debit card for Lloyds Bank had not been received at Business Banking even though it was sent through via the local Lloyds branch.  Councillors duly signed another application to be put in again.

An email sent from the LCC public paths officer asked that the trees overlooking the public path at the side of the playing field be cut back.   Cllr Smith reported that her husband had carried this out.


i) It was decided that there was a further year to be completed on the current agreement.   However, it was agreed that the grasscutting for this year had not been up to standard. A complaint had been received regarding a grave being covered in grass debris, the playing field had not been raked after cutting and the general appearance had not been kept as it was in the past.  It was appreciated that it had been an unusual year for rain which had limited when the grass could be cut.  The clerk would take it up with the contractor.

ii) It was agreed to give a thankyou to Fran Wilson for tidying of the Heritage garden and she would be given a gift from personal donations from the councillors.   She would be putting in a bill for the plants to the Chairman in due course.


i) Churchyard wall - This has been dealt with by the Church.

ii) The Chairman reported that the slats for the benches were drying out and would be painted and replaced as soon as feasible.

iii) Churchyard maintenance responsibilities. The clerk read out an email from Cllr Rolph asking that discussion should take place on clarification on what the church or the parish council are responsible for.   The clerk would get in touch with the church warden to ask for copies of any agreements which the church has with the parish council.  The clerk would also set out a schedule of what the council believed were their responsibilities.

iv) The clerk also reported that an email had been received concerning the war memorial.  It was not thought that this was under the remit of the Parish Council and would be replied to accordingly.

Quotes are still being sought for the groundwork for placing of the village benches as previously agreed and the picnic area. When these are to hand, the clerk will send in the applications for District Councillor grants.


i) The clerk noted that information received from ELDC listing amenities in the village would indicate that we will once again be classed as a medium village for the Local Neighbourhood Plan.

ii) Cllr Banks reported that she had just picked up that there was another application for Mayfield caravan site on the planning portal.  Clerk to check this.  (It should be noted that the Planning Department should contact the Parish Council for any new applications in this area and this was not happening).

iii) It was noted that information for the Outer Dowsing Windfarm was available at the Skegness and Mablethorpe libraries.

Cllrs Smith and Banks had attended a Zoom Councillor training course; Cllr Smith found this useful.  Cllr Banks believed she needed a more advanced course.   Cllr Day agreed to be booked on to a Zoom course on the 7th November.

Mr & Mrs Lane confirmed that they would be willing to run the Christmas party for the village again but any proceeds would be for RNLI.   The only date available for them is Friday 8th December, 7pm to 10pm.  They asked that the council help with delivery of fliers advertising this event which the councillors agreed they could do.  It was proposed that a charge of, say £3, would be charged for tickets which would be payable in advance.  If they attended, the £3 would be refunded.   The council was asked to provide raffle prizes and help with setting out the hall for the event.  Council agreed by a show of hands that Mr & Mrs Lane would run the Village Christmas party with help from the council as and when requested by them.  They will be in touch with the Chairman if they require any assistance.

The next meeting would be 7th December 2023 commencing at 6pm for Public Forum

Discussion took place on what should be done about the Christmas tree for the church grounds.   It was agreed that the clerk would source providers; the Chairman had all the fixing equipment and lighting and would take charge of erecting the tree together with help from other councillors.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.40 pm    

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