September 2023 Minutes
Present: Cllrs Les Wildman (Chairman) Mary Banks, Ellen Smith, Stephen Day Clerk: K Hayes
Also present: 2 members of the Public (1 left after 15 minutes)
* A member of the public queried what was happening with the collapsed church wall. The Chairman explained that clearance was in hand by the church. There would be no fence or boundary but the tomb stones would be laid flat to form the edge between the two. When they have finished clearing the bricks away, the council would take another look at it to see if anything further is needed (Agenda item 9)
* He also complained about the problem of the smell of cannabis throughout the village. Chairman explained that this had been reported to the police but no reply had been received (Agenda item 6b)
* He asked what was happening with the benches in the churchyard. Chairman explained that the slats had been removed and would be replaced (Agenda item 9)
1. APOLOGIES Cllr Chris Rolph, District Cllr Dawson and County Cllr Davie
The Minutes of the meeting of the 6th July 2023 (including the Confidential Minutes) were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.
The clerk read out her report, a copy of which is attached to the Minutes.
a) Cllr Banks reported that there had been no meeting of the Village Hall committee.
b) Cllr Banks also reported that at a meeting of the Charity Farm, they had confirmed that the renewal of the allotment lease was going ahead.
The clerk reported:-
a) There was a request to complete a survey from Cllr Richard Davies of Highways Department regarding Lincolnshire highways and drains It was agreed that the clerk would complete this but would need some information regarding the village roads and drains before doing so. Chairman to check.
b) A letter of complaint against the smell of cannabis in the village. This had been reported to the police but no reply had been received. There was also an anonymous letter complaining about the smell, speeding cars and motorcycles and foul language. There could be no reply to this as it was sent anonymously.
a) The clerk noted that payments had been made at the beginning of August which had been approved by email. These were £433.46 for clerk's salary, £108.20 to HMRC for PAYE and £48.50 to ELDC for election fees. Payment of cheques were agreed and signed for:- £433.46 to K Hayes for salary, £108.20 to HMRC for PAYE, £86.49 to K Hayes for 2 month's homeworking allowance and stationery expenses, £1776.45 repayment to the Playpark for the balance standing on the Parish Council account, £41.64 to Sid Dennis, £937.50 to Robert Aldrich for grasscutting,£100 to RDR towards church bench repair, £15 for hire of Village Hall, £350 to Mathew West for repair to the Church fence and £270.76 to Charity Farm for 1 year's rent for Allotment grounds.
b) An additional invoice for £102 had been received via LALC for Peter Langford services but this was put against a credit on the LALC account for repayment of audit fees.
Cllr Smith read out the report which had been prepared for the meeting.
a) Finance The Lloyds Bank account was now open and the car boot money banked. In addition a cheque from the Parish Council would be paid into this account.
b) Policies It was agreed that the Parish Council policies be adopted for the Playpark until the review in February next year.
c) Web Site / Facebook. It was agreed that the Playpark website would be resurrected and this would be used for all information instead of the Facebook page. The clerk would update this as soon as time allowed.
d) Picnic tables It was agreed that these would be placed behind the toddler s area where two memorial benches are currently sited. Wood chippings would be put down under the tables, The benches would be moved to a different place within the playpark grounds. Cllr Day suggested that a dog walking area could be made in the area to the front of the trees. There was concern as to how this would be policed: CCTV checks were needed (Cllr Rolph to be approached regarding this) to be discussed later.
e) Grant monies As far as known there is no grand money outstanding.
f) Future Plans / Grants the clerk informed the meeting that there were various grants which could be applied for but it would first be necessary to decide what a grant would be required for. Cllr Day suggested that an enclosed five-a-side football pitch which would also be used for basketball, badminton court or tennis court. He also suggested other adventure equipment. The remainder of the field can then be used allowing dogs to be walked around the perimeter. Chairman /Cllr Day will make enquiries about this.
g) It was agreed that general repairs, inspections and painting should be funded from the playpark takings. However, the Parish Council will fund these should there be no funds in the Playpark account.
h) Committee Members. Volunteers must be recruited to help with the running of the playpark in order that fund-raising events can be held. It was agreed that a flier would be prepared to send to all parents through the school and all villagers asking for help.
i) It was also agreed that a further suggestion could be pursued to ask if anyone in the village was willing to become a member and donate a fixed amount each year. This would be incorporated into the flier to be prepared.
j) There was, at one time, a suggestion that the school could lease part of the playing field on an annual basis. Cllr Day confirmed that this could not be done because of legalities. This idea could not be taken forward.
a) Churchyard wall The church had taken responsibility for the clearing of the bricks. There would be no boundary wall left but tomb flagstones were being laid flat so this would create the boundary between the old and new cemeteries. When all the bricks were cleared, the council would look again at the area to see if anything further is required.
b) Regarding the bin emptying by Sid Dennis, Cllr Day had been in touch and was aware of the emptying days. He asked that the retaining board be removed to the dyke side so that he could take the Sid Dennis bin down to the cemetery and this would eliminate other household rubbish being put in the bin. He would take responsibility for bringing the bin up to be emptied.
c) The benches are in the process of being repaired.
After considerable discussion, it was agreed that benches would be placed (1) on Thames crescent corner and (2) on the grass outside the allotments. The two memorial benches currently in the playpark area where the picnic benches are to be placed, would be relocated to outside the changing rooms.
a) The Chairman reported that two allotment holders had been given 30 days notice to leave as they were not keeping their area tidy. The request for an allotment holder to have 6 chickens on his plot was agreed.
b) The clerk reported that she had contacted Sills and Betteridge regarding renewal of the lease. They have now come back to say that renewal of the lease would cost 1100. However, they could simply renew the Registration with the Land Registry for 450. After discussion it was agreed that they should be employed to change over the Land Registry only at a cost of £450. (Please note that, having checked again, this amount is 750 and the clerk will seek authorisation from councillors again via email). The lease fees for the coming year would be £300 per annum and would be reviewed annually.
c) It was agreed that the maintenance payments from the Parish Council and the plot fees would remain the same for this year.
a) Application N/084/01836/22 - Ivy Lodge were now asking to discharge the condition for Landscaping and a passing place in Bracken Lane. Objection would be sent.
b) Discharge of the conditions of lighting, schedule of materials, landscaping and biodiversity plan was being sought for the development on land on Langham Lane. Clerk would send in an objection.
c) Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm. It was difficult to understand what the latest situation was but further consultations with the general public would be held in the Autumn.
Most councillors would be required to undertake Councillor Training. After discussion it was noted that none of the councillors could attend the next session on the evening of the 26th September. Clerk would investigate further training sessions.
There were no recommendations at present.
The next meeting would be 5th October 2023 commencing at 6pm for Public Forum
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.10 pm
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