July 2023 Minutes



Present: Cllrs Les Wildman (Chairman) Chris Rolph, Mary Banks, Ellen Smith, Stephen Day   Clerk: K Hayes

Also present: County Cllr Colin Davie and District Cllr Roger Dawson

4 members of the Public


The Chairman welcomed all those present. 



  • A member of the public spoke about the collapsed wall in the churchyard and urged that something be done.  It was his belief that the PC did not need to employ an architect unless the wall was to be rebuilt to its original standard. It was commented that visitors to the cemetery feel vulnerable hidden behind such a high wall.  Lengthy discussion took place.  No communication had been received from the diocese to anyone even though several conversations had been carried out by various people. The latest situation is reported under item 8(a).
  • The same public member also stated that he wanted the broken fence putting up. The Chairman noted that this is in progress – see item 8(b).
  • The same public member also made comments that he wished the PC to object to the planning application at Helsey Farm for 24 caravans.   The councillors will decide on this under item 14(c).
  • Another member of the public asked that the large weed growing up the church wall at the side of the footpath be removed.  This will be done.
  • This member of the public also noted that it had been agreed to place a waste bin at Freeways.  Unfortunately this could not be done as the District Council are in charge of the emptying and this is not included in their round.  After much discussion District Cllr Dawson will look into what the collection round is and whether we have the quota we are allotted.


  1. APOLOGIES – District Cllr Stephen Evens


  1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Smith for item 8(b), Cllrs Wildman and Rolph for item 9.



The Minutes of the meeting of the 1st June 2023 were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.



The clerk read out her report, a copy of which is attached to the Minutes.  She also noted an update from the Complaints Department of Lloyds Bank who had promised to chase up the mandate situation and report back by the end of the week.  They had given compensation of £90 into the Parish Council account for the problems caused.


  1. Dist Cllr Dawson reported that he is a new District Councillor along with Stephen Evens for this ward.  He explained that he was currently on the ELDC Planning Committee but he would be moving to the Planning Policy Committee.  He explained that his election manifesto had mainly been his opposition to the amount of caravans which were being allowed into the area.  Because of this, he was disallowed from making any comments about caravan applications as his views could be perceived as being biased.  He is also Lincolnshire representative of the Community Planning Alliance, a national body which is trying to protect the rural amenities.  He is planning to get a network of parish and town councils together to put us in a better position to deal with the Planning Department of ELDC.
  2. County Cllr Colin Davie reported that the main concerns at present are the amount of planning applications being considered for electricity generation through wind farms. 
  • The Outer Dowsing proposals being considered is for a huge off shore wind farm which will need to come on shore through underground cables or pylons across the countryside. He was totally opposed to all the proposals being put in for wind farms or solar farms and particularly for the Northern route which will litter the countryside with pylons.  They were even looking into hydrogen power.  He did not agree that Lincolnshire countryside should be trashed when it is not to their benefit.  Should these proposals go ahead, it would reduce property prices by about 50%.  There is to be a big discussion with the National Grid regarding energy proposals in September. 
  • The County Council are planning to enhance the landscape for visitors – the Coastal Country Park had increased the footfall in the area and the whole of the coast between the Humber and the Thames is likely to become a Unesco World  Heritage site.
  • Regarding sea defences, there was a lot of work being carried out in examining the sea defences along the coast.  Skegness and Sutton on Sea were adequate at the moment but Mablethorpe and some other areas would only last for another 20 years instead of the 100 years expected.
  • County Council is in discussion with government concerning devolution.  This would mean appointing a Mayor but decisions could be taken locally instead of by government edict.  There will be a consultation with the public.
  1. Cllr Banks reported that the Charity Farm buildings have been inspected resulting in some necessary repairs – this work has been agreed.
  2. Cllr Banks also reported that a meeting of the Village Hall Committee had been held and forward proposals have shown that the income will not cover the expenditure in future years.  It is anticipated that this will not be this year or next but plans will need to be put in place after that to keep it afloat.



The clerk reported:-

  1. An offer from Lincolnshire County Council Waste Services had been received for free litter picking kits.  The council agreed to take advantage of this offer and the clerk would put in a letter by the 31st July to request taking this up.  A member of the public offered to pick them up from North Hykeham.
  2. A letter signed ‘disappointed residents’ had been received to complain about the grass cutting at the corner of Mill Lane and Sea Road.  The councillors noted that this grass is cut by Highways Department.   The Parish Council can take over this duty from Highways for which they will receive payment but this will probably not be enough to cover a grasscutting contract. Highways department only cut the grass – they are not responsible for clearing litter or cleaning up cut grass.  Cllr Day commented that there were areas where grass was not cut on verges making it a hazard for drivers.  County Cllr Davie noted that if there is a particular problem, pass the information on to him and he will take it up with Highways.  The letter from ‘disappointed residents’ also complained that the bench was in need of timber treatment.  This would be done in due course.
  3. An email request had been put through from a resident via Cllr Dawson requesting consideration be given to a mini roundabout at the junction of Mill Lane with the A52.  This had been put to Highways Department who had stated that there had been no accidents at this junction in the last five years and any request would be need to be considered with other factors and prioritised against other requests and resources available. After discussion It was agreed that a letter would be sent to Cllr Davie who would consult with the Highways Department.


  1. The Financial Statement for the period 1st April to 30th June 2023, having been previously circulated was approved by the whole council.  The clerk explained that the difference between the accounts presented and the bank balance was due to being unable to access the April bank statement.  It was noted that the £50 for the Christmas Raffle had now been banked and a reclaim of the VAT for the period since April 2021 had been received for £2317.92.
  2. Payment of accounts were agreed of £433.46 to K Hayes for salary, £108.20 to HMRC for PAYE, £49.97 to K Hayes for homeworking allowance and stationery expenses, and £15 for hire of Village Hall.


  1. Churchyard wall – discussion had taken place in the public forum brought up by a parishioner.  The latest situation is that the St Mary’s church committee was investigating this with the diocese and would be suggesting that the bricks be sold  and the funds gained be used to erect a small boundary between the churchyard and the cemetery.   They had been informed that it may have to be examined by the Conservation Officer which would further delay a decision.

No reply was yet to hand.  It was confirmed that the PC could not fund rebuilding of the wall to the original standard as this would run into tens of thousands.

  1. Three quotes had been received to repair the broken fence, one was too high to consider, one from Smith and Western for £350 one from SDA Services for £340. Cllr Day confirmed the standard of work stated in the quote from SDA and it was agreed that both quotes must be of the same standard.  After discussion the vote was split as to who should be awarded the work.  The Chairman gave the casting vote for Smith and Western.  This quote was £10 more but it was agreed that this person did a great deal for the village in voluntary time and should be awarded the work.
  2. Information had been gathered on the bin emptying by Sid Dennis and it was still unclear as to when the bins were being emptied.  The bin would not wheel properly and needed replacing.  The clerk would pass the contract number to Cllr Day for him to investigate.



Discussion had taken place before the start of the meeting on the renewal of the contract with Charity Farm for the lease of the allotments.   It was agreed that a further 15-year lease would be taken out on the same terms with the exception that a rent review would take place annually, not 5-yearly as per the original contract.   It was agreed that the cost of the solicitor fees for renewal of the contract would be borne by the Parish Council.



There had been a request by Fran Wilson – the person who was volunteering to take care of the garden – for the council to purchase bedding plants.   Cllr Day suggested that the garden should be replaced with paving and flower planters to make it easier to keep the garden neat and tidy.  Although this may be ideal, the council is not at the moment in a financial position to fund this work.   It was agreed that the Chairman would find out what her plan was and how much she needs.  Details would be emailed to the councillors to get a decision.



The village sign had now been recovered but it would appear that very little work had been done on it.  This was displayed for everyone to see.  The Chairman confirmed that the board was fit for purpose if the wood was hardened at the base.  It was suggested that the Chair’s partner would re-model the figures and the Chair would re-paint as required in enamel paint for the cost of the purchases.  This could not be done overnight but would be done as time allowed.  It was agreed by all councillors.



The clerk asked the councillors where they thought the benches were bought for.   There was some confusion as to where these were to be placed.   There was a prior agreement that these should be placed in the Playing Field area but it would appear that this was only agreed through Playing Field committee and not ratified by the whole council.  A separate bid for picnic benches had been allotted and these were still to be fixed in the Playing Field picnic area (the fixings having been mislaid).   Cllr Day stated that the village benches had been received from a Lincolnshire Coastal Destination Bid.  They had been  sitting in the area behind the Playing Park changing rooms for the past year.  It had been agreed that there should be a community vote as to where these benches should be placed but this had not been carried out.  It was agreed that the council should look at where the benches should go the information being obtained from votes from the Community.   The clerk would email the councillors to ask that they take in those suggestions from the public through council members and a vote taken at the next meeting.

With regard to the waste bin which was part of the bid, it was agreed that this should be placed in the Playing Field area and bolted to the fence.



Cllr Smith reported that the Swift Junior football club would not be using the playing field but would consider it for next year.  Cllr Day asked why the gates were not open on the other side of the playpark as there could be a health and safety issue with children exiting the playpark where cars were being parked.   The gates were currently bolted and it was agreed to open these up.  It was agreed that Cllr Smith would purchase paint to repaint the playpark equipment.


  1. Application N/084/01836/22.  Planning Permission had been given to Ivy Lodge for additional caravans with provisos that tree planting was undertaken and a passing place was put in Bracken Lane.
  2. N/125/01140/23 Application for 24 static caravans to the rear of Helsey Farm Livery.  It was agreed to object to this application on grounds of over-intensification of caravan places in the area.
  3. Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm – proposed application to the Secretary of State for a Development Consent Order to construct, operate, maintain and decommission Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind.  This proposal is for up to 93 offshore wind turbines up to a height of 403m, together with onshore development of cables or pylons, and substations coming onshore at Wolla Bank.  Consultation documents are available at various venues until 21st July.  (See also Cllr Davie’s report under item 5).



It was resolved that the council would move into closed session in order to discuss a claim against the Parish Council.



It was agreed that there would be no meeting in August unless one is urgently required.   The next meeting would be 7th September commencing at 6pm for Public Forum



     There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30 pm

Clerk's notes for meeting 6th July 2023


I have not yet had a chance to get any training on the web site.  Will do so as soon  as time allows.



The three monthly accounts have been done but you will notice there is a difference of £44.90.  I cannot find what this is at the moment as I do not have access to the April Bank Statements It is probably a credit from someone direct into the bank.   I will rectify this as soon as I can.

PAYE is now working with HMRC although at the beginning of the year, two payments went in together, therefore creating an Employer N.I.   There is now an amount owing of £370+ which needs to be sorted out eventually but it is difficult to get through to HMRC to talk to them.

The request by a resident to see the accounts for last year has been accomplished.



We now have a bank account set up at Barclays with the correct signatories and contact details.   We are still waiting for on-line banking so that we are able to access the bank statement on-line.   Watch this space!

Lloyds bank are still proving to be a nightmare.   The latest is that I put my signature on a document to witness Les’s signature.  This, apparently is not allowed as I am a signatory on the account.  A new form has been completed and scanned over to Lloyds Business Banking from the Skegness branch.



The village sign has been hunted down and is included on the agenda for discussion.

I was informed that the Minutes had been taken to the accountants Haines Watts.  However, having checked with them, they have confirmed that they never had them and all documents belonging to the Parish Council had been collected.



Confirmation has now been received from ELDC that no-one has called for an election due to the resignation of George Green.  We are now able to co-opt a new councillor when we are ready.



I have worked a further 57 hours above the 10 hours per week agreed in the last month.   This has mainly been due to bank set ups and the claims against the council.


Kath Hayes

Interim Clerk   04/07/2023