PFC October 2021 Minutes



Committee:     Cllrs K Bingham, M Culley, P Smith, A Stubbs, J Midgley and K Stafford (Secretary). 

Others:     Cllrs M Banks, T Smith, A Green, 

1.    Appoint a new Chairman – Cllr Culley as Chairman of the council proposed Cllr Bingham as Chair of the Playing Fields Committee.  Cllr Bingham was duly elected.  

2.    Chairman’s Welcome - The Chair then welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that the former Chair S Walker was too busy with other time commitments to be able to continue as Chair of the Playing Fields committee so had stood down.

3.    Apologies – Apologies were received from S Stubbs who was unable to attend on personal grounds

4.    To approve Minutes of the last meeting– The minutes of May 2021 were approved.

5.    Finance

a.    Payment of accounts  - agreed as follows:

i    Electric £23.01

ii    Grasscutting  - £360

iii    Annual Council Tax -  £45.08

Income - Parish Council donation for grasscutting - £360

b.    Receive accounts up to 30 September 2021 – The accounts were accepted

6.    To discuss the letting of the playing fields – The Chair explained that in order to let the  playing fields out they would need to comply with regulations.  These include a legal requirement for the referee to have their own changing room and the need to have regulators fitted to the hot water supplies.  To let the playing fields out on a membership basis it would only be able to accommodate two teams with a maximum income of £500 each per annum.  Various other options were discussed such as school teams, teams for people with disabilities, womens’ teams and whether the fields could be used for practice in the evenings.  Cllr Culley confirmed there were three working floodlights which made this possible.  The Chair to do some further research on other potential teams and what funding may be available to help get the field pitch ready for next year.

7.    To consider quote for the repair of the driveway – A quote has been obtained for the repair of the driveway from Alex Johnston for £1,475.  It was agreed this was a fair price and to ask the Parish Council to fund the cost of the repairs.

8.    Car boot 10 October 2021 – The Chair confirmed the car boot would be going ahead this Sunday.

9.    To consider issue of missing banners – Cllr Culley had taken the car boot banners to J Ball in May 2021 to be updated with times.  The banners had been requested back from her on several occasions but had not been returned.  J Ball has now informed the Secretary she is unable to find them and thinks she may have put them out for collection by K Bingham but they were not there when K Bingham went to collect them.  It was agreed the secretary to write to J Ball asking her to either find and return them or pay the cost of original purchase.

10.    Next meeting  -  6pm in the village hall prior to the Parish Council meeting on Thurs 4 November.