March 2021 Minutes




Present: Cllrs L Wildman (Chairman), M Culley, P Smith, M Banks, A Green and T Smith and K Stafford (Clerk)

Also present:  Cllr G Williams and 8 members of the public



A member of the public welcomed back Cllr M Culley.  The same member thanked the Clerk for cleaning the noticeboard.  The Clerk explained it was a member of the public who had kindly beaten her to it and carried out the task. The member of public also expressed concern at the bullying attitude of two councillors at the previous meeting.  Cllr T Smith stated it should not be talked about at the present time.  The member of public asked the Chairman for clarification and the Chairman stated that a member of public could express their views but the Councillors should not be named at the present time.  Another member of the public asked the Council for reassurance that the Councillors would work together for the benefit of the Community and that this be minuted. Another member of the public questioned whether it was worth buying metal dog signs as they get ignored anyway and whether the money would be better spent on dog bins.  Another member of the public said the metal signs will have more longevity and although they get ignored at least we will have tried.



  1. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME – The Chair stated he wanted to say something and asked the clerk if he could say names.  The clerk said she did not know as did not know what the Chair was going to say.  The Chair welcomed every body to the meeting at 1949 hours.  He informed the 2 councillors, who knew who they were, they had sent the clerk nasty e mails, and harassed and bullied her to resign.  He informed them this had got to stop now as they had brought the council into disrepute.  He informed them any future emails, phone calls, letters or questions may not be replied to as they could not be trusted not to break Parish Council Code of Conduct.  He said he would not stand this nonsense any more.  Cllr T Smith said if 1,3,5 and 6 had been applied we would have said nothing.
  2. APOLOGIES – County Cllr C Davie and District Cllr P Hibbert-Greaves who are attending a full council meeting at ELDC
  3.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES - It was resolved that the notes of the Meeting of 3 February 2021 and the Extraordinary Meeting of 22 February be accepted as a true record of the proceedings and were duly signed by the Chairman.
  4. TO ELECT A VICE CHAIRMAN – The Chairman proposed electing Cllr M Culley as a Vice Chairman, Cllr Banks seconded this and Cllr P Smith voted in favour. Resolved by a majority Cllr M Culley to be Vice Chairman
  5. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – The Chairman declared his interest as Chairman of the local allotments
  6. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE – Complaint from a member of the public through facebook about the condition of the gutters and drains, signs and bus stops and an overgrown area at a field entrance on Mill Lane – The Chairman stated the gutters and drains are a highways matter but the Chair and Vice Chair carried out a drains inspection of the whole village and reported it to Highways to deal with.  Signs are also down to Highways and bus stops down to the bus companies.  Cllr M Banks will speak to Charity Farm about the overgrown field entrance.
    1. Heritage project funds – The Clerk has contacted ELDC but no response so Clerk to chase
    2. Cleaning of the parish noticeboard – The Clerk and Chairman thanked the member of public for carrying out this task
    3. Professional zoom package – The clerk stated legislation only currently lasts until May so may not be worth buying a year’s subscription at the moment. Also, we may get a heavily subsidised annual package from LALC in April so may be worth waiting.  Cllr P Smith suggested Teams as free meeting lasts an hour and a single meeting between £3-£4.  It was resolved to try Teams next month.
  1. Cllr Banks reported on Charity Farm.  The AGM and Property inspection has been put back from the beginning of June to the middle of June to hopefully avoid Covid restrictions.
  2. Cllr Banks reported that the village hall have agreed to buy new LED lighting for outside the village hall which should be more efficient, brighter and cheaper to run.
  3. The Chairman reported two people would lose their allotment tenancies in April.  One for subletting and one for failing to maintain their allotment.  There is a waiting list so these will be reallocated in April.
    1. Payment of Accounts – The Chairman signed cheques for LALC annual fees, LALC annual training fees and Clerk’s expenses
    2. Estimate of bank balance for end of year accounts as at 31st March 2021
    3. Confirm any final payments before year end – Clerks wages
  2. To agree whether to purchase metal dog fouling signs and how many for the village – The Chairman proposed purchasing 10 rigid plastic signs for about £50.  It was resolved to purchase 10 plastic signs.
  3. To agree to move the dog bin on the corner of Thames Street and Langham Road to the playing fields car park and purchase a larger one to replace it – The Chairman proposed we purchased a larger metal bin. It was confirmed the District Council would have larger bags to fit in the bin.  It was resolved to purchase the larger metal bin.
  4. Matters planned for further discussion for the coming year:
    1. Grasscutting – The Chairman proposed the Council changed grasscutter as the current one not doing such a good job.  The Chairman has one new estimate.  Cllr Banks and T Smith requested the Council obtained more quotes.  Chairman will do this
    2. Set up a Community Speedwatch Group – The Chair and Vice Chair will volunteer for this.  Further information on the scheme has been requested.  Clerk to find out more details for the next meeting
    3. Recommence a litter picking team around the village – The Chair has asked for this to be recommenced.  The Clerk is to ask for volunteers to help with this and find out when would suit people to do this.
    4. Recommence cleaning signs around the village – This is down to highways
    5. Recommence car boot sales – Hope to start again the first Sunday in June if lockdown permits.
    6. Set up and administer the facebook page – Clerk and another person to set up and run the facebook page


The Chairman thanked ex Cllr V Worley, for all the hard work she put in on the newsletter.  He will take her a small thank you gift.



The date of the next meeting was agreed for 7 April 2021 at 6.45pm


Meeting closed at 1918 hours


After the meeting, the Chairman introduced Cllr W Green.  Cllr Green said he is standing in the upcoming election as a District Councillor.  He is getting to know the local parishes so observing what they are doing and any issues they may have.  Cllr Green also suggested we may find messenger a good way forward for future online meetings as it is a free service with no time limits.