February 2021 Minutes EOM



Present: Cllrs L Wildman (Chairman), P Smith (from partway through agenda point 3) M Banks, V Worley, A Green, T Smith, M Culley (following co-option at point 3) and K Stafford (Clerk)

Also present: County Cllr C Davie


  1. Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed all those present and commenced the meeting at 1804 hours


  1. Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given

No apologies received


  1. Co-option of new Councillor

The Chairman proposed co-opting Mick Culley back onto the Council following his resignation since the last meeting.  This was strongly objected to by Cllr T Smith due to Cllr’s Culley’s resignation letter referring to bullying behaviour by certain councillors.  Cllrs Green and Worley also objected.  P Smith on joining the meeting, and Cllrs Banks agreed.  Co-option was therefore agreed with the Chairman’s casting vote and M Culley was duly elected onto the Council.


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations

No declarations of interest received


  1. To resolve to appoint a third member on the Staffing Committee following the resignation of the Vice Chair and to agree the date of the first meeting

Cllrs M Culley and V Worley both put themselves forward to be the third member for the staffing committee.  A majority resolved to appoint Councillor Culley as the third member.  The first meeting was set for Wednesday 10 March at 1830 hours


  1. To adopt the terms of reference for the Staffing Committee

It was agreed to adopt the terms of reference with future meetings to be held twice a year in February and September

  1. To adopt the following employment policies and procedures:

It was resolved to adopt the following policies and procedures:

  1. Appraisal form
  2. Appraisals guidance
  3. Disciplinary procedure
  4. Equal Opportunities policy
  5. Grievance procedure
  6. Health & Safety policy
  7. How to deal with employee sickness absence
  8. Sickness Absence policy


  1. Move Into Closed Session

 It was resolved to move into closed session to consider the following confidential staffing matter in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The public were asked to leave the meeting at this stage and were removed from the zoom meeting by the Clerk. Cllr Colin Davie was invited by the Chairman to remain for the closed session.

  1. To receive the Clerk’s contract of employment and job description

It was resolved to accept the clerk’s contract of employment and job description

  1. To move out of closed session

The Council moved out of closed session and the Chairman closed the meeting at 1912 Hours