March 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Hogsthorpe Parish Council meeting


Held on Wednesday 4th March 2020


Present: Cllrs L Wildman (Chairman) M Culley, P Smith, E Carter, M Banks, B Hornby, A Green, V Worley and K Hayes (Clerk)


Also present: 8 members of the public, 4 left after public forum


Public forum


Public forum was allowed to start 20 minutes early as the Playpark meeting finished early.

• Member of the public was very concerned that there was no barrier outside the school to protect the children from traffic. No-one took any notice of the yellow non-parking lines. It was suggested to him that he get the school involved in trying to get this done. Although the parking may be illegal, the parish council do not have any powers to stop this and have tried in the past to get measures put in place.

• Member of the public noted that the footpath at the top of the allotments by Charity Farm had been blocked off by a deep ditch and planting of trees by the farmer. It was unclear from the map as to exactly what route the path should take. It is thought he may be putting more caravans on the site. Clerk to ask Jonathan Stockdale to take a look and advise.

• Member of the public asked the council if it would consider applying for a grant from Triton Knoll for installation of a lamp post which is lit by dog poo waste. There are none in the country apart from in Malvern and this would put us on the map as being one of the first. The cost is £6K for small or £10K for large and would cost £140 per annum plus £5 per month for maintenance and supply of containers. Siting of the lamp post to be agreed later. It was agreed to go ahead with this and the clerk would work with her on what it entails and the application.

• Member of the public questioned the sense in allowing 89 houses to be built in the village and what impact this would have on the drainage and the rest of the village which already flooded in high rainfall. It was explained that this was only outline planning and it would be scrutinised if the land was sold to a developer who would have to submit a detailed planning application. The Parish Council had been challenging this for at least five years but it has gone ahead as part of the county-wide plan and had already been decided that these houses would be allowed in the village. There had been arguments put up against the outline planning and the PC had been represented at the planning meeting. There was nothing further that could be done at this stage.



1. Apologies – None – all present



2. Declarations of interest – None.



3. Approval of notes of meeting


It was unanimously resolved that the notes of the Meeting of 5th February 2020 be accepted as a true record of the proceedings and were duly signed by the Chairman.


4. Clerk’s report


Nothing to report not on the agenda.


5. To receive reports from outside bodies & other meeting


• Cllr Banks reported that Charity Farm Lane would be repaired as soon as the weather permitted.


6. Correspondence


• Invitation from Chapel Parish Council to attend the Civic Reception on the 22nd March. The Chairman and partner would attend.

• Invitation to attend the Volunteers Networking event at the new Tower Gardens Pavillion on 18th March – Cllr Smith agreed to attend.


7. Financial matters


Approval was given for payment of accounts to LALC of £264.17 for annual subscription, £120 for annual training scheme and £21.60 for 2 attendees at Councillor Training Course. £103.98 to Lexis Nexis for Arnold Baker Local Council Administrator book and £24.96 to Sid Dennis for waste collections.


8. Highways and village maintenance


Grasscutting could not yet be done due to wet ground.


9. Speeding indicator device


Chairman reported that the SID was not functional at present. It had been reported four times and emails received and sent but nothing had been heard since. Clerk to ring and ask them to take back if it cannot be serviced on site.


10. Churchyard


All current work has been completed and the churchyard has been tidied.


11. Re-siting of notice board


The Parish Council Notice board at the entrance to the church was not being read by the general public. It was agreed to re-site it on the heritage corner – Cllr Carter to measure up and decide on the best place.


12. Heritage project


There was further money from the 106 agreement to be applied for. The village sign was rotting and needed replacing. It was also suggested that a further seat be installed on Mill Lane near the grit bin – to be actioned.


13. Newsletter


Newsletter is now ready to go to print.


14. Date and format of annual community meeting


It was agreed that as there is very little attendance from the public at this event, it would be kept low-key this year – no speaker or wine and refreshments being offered. Notices would be put out to inform the general public that this would take place on Friday the 15th May.


15. Date of next meeting


The next meeting will be held at 6.45 pm at the Village Hall on 1st April 2020.


16. AOB to note for next meeting




Meeting closed at 7.45pm