October 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Hogsthorpe Parish Council meeting


Held on Wednesday 2nd October 2019


Present: Cllrs I Wildman (chairman) M Culley, P Smith, E Carter, M banks, B Hornby, A Green and K Hayes (clerk)

Also present: county Cllr Colin Davie, dist. Cllr Paul Hibbert-greaves and 4 members of the public


Public forum


Resident asked if the speeding sign was working. Cllr Wildman confirmed that it did work but did not record any vehicle travelling at less than 28 mph.

Resident made note that footpath at the end of the lane adjacent to the playpark by the footbridge was overgrown with brambles. Clerk to take up with LCC footpaths’ officer.


1. Apologies – Cllr Worley gave apologies with no reason stated.


2. Declarations of interest – none.


3. Approval of notes of meeting


It was unanimously resolved that the notes of the meeting of 4th September 2019 be accepted as a true record of the proceedings and were duly signed by the chairman.


4. Clerk’s report

• a report from the last meeting had been submitted to the drainage board. The letter also suggested that a letter be sent to all residents to gather more information on flooding in the village.

• the hedge at the end of st Mary’s close has been cut back but only by a minimal amount which still left access onto the a52 a danger. Kh to take up again with highways to ascertain if they had given any specifications for the cutting back.

• the 89 houses had been given the go ahead under outline planning. When the plans are submitted, the development will be looked at carefully with regard to drainage, access to the a52, density of housing. The local plan needs to be updated with the latest information especially when the ‘large’ employer moves.


5. To receive reports from outside bodies & other meeting


No report from Cllr Hibbert-greaves but he is keeping an eye on the planning applications.

Cllr Davie reported that:

• the letter from lcc planning services stated that they will be engaging with the public on planning documents for the Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan.

• a new highways contractor, Belfour Beatty, has been appointed from next April which will hopefully improve the service.

• lcc are working closely with north Lincolnshire cc in many areas to save money on duplications.

• an announcement will shortly be made concerning new investment in the area.

• coastal country park will be announcing development of a new structure which will being in more visitors to the coast.

• a workshop is to be held in November on how to connect the various areas.

• announcement next week about the business park at Skegness.

• currently the budget for social care is £250m – a extra £20m is to be announced.


6. Correspondence – nothing to note


7. Financial matters


(a) the financial statement to the end September showing a balance of £37,467 was duly approved. The clerk did not that this was a large sum and some should be spent, e.g. Path in churchyard.

(b) payment of accounts was approved for £24.96 to Sid Dennis for churchyard waste disposal, £27.59 to l Wildman (repayment of varnish for seats) and £59.45 to k Hayes for clerk’s expenses.


8. Highways and village maintenance


A) village flooding – after the heavy rain, the dykes are almost to the top. Serious investigation by the drainage board, lcc, environment agency and Anglian water is required as to why so many gardens flood. The drainage board van has been seen a couple of times in the village – clerk to make enquiries with them as to what they are doing.

B) it was also reported that a house on high street has overgrown trees which are obstructing walkers. Clerk to write to occupants.

C) highways have been round the gutters with weed spray.

D) cllr green stated that bracken lane is now in very poor state of repair and she is damaging her car on the uneven surface. She did make enquiries on whether she could adopt the lane but was told that this was not possible. She was advised to, again, contact Cllr Davie to bring this to a head.


9. Churchyard


The chairman, has given the contractor the go ahead to blitz the outstanding work (removing the roots from the laurel tree which fell at Christmas, topping of trees, cutting back ivy, etc). The willow tree will be trimmed back. Cllr carter will be making a small garden in the churchyard by the kissing gate.


10. Planning issues and enforcements


A) Belmont house – agreed to support the revised plans showing dormer windows in the extension.

B) the laurels pond – application now amended for 30 caravans – cllr hibbert greaves is keeping an eye on this as he cannot see how the access is suitable.

C) planning application for edale, 2 mill lane close for extension to dwelling to provide a garage. The clerk will reply that whilst there is no objection to the extension, mention should be made on how to access the rear of the property and also query whether it is correct to enter the kitchen direct from the garage.


11. Christmas village event planning


Circulation of a poster is going out with the newsletter asking the villagers to join in a competition with the best dressed Christmas decorations. The hall has been booked for the 14th December to give the villagers a free Christmas party – expected numbers around 80. Tickets for the event will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. Cllr banks was asked to make enquiries with the village hall committee as to how much the charge would be.


12. Playpark


A meeting preceded this meeting for which separate minutes are published.


13. Date of next meeting


The next meeting will be held at 6.45 pm at the village hall on 6th November 2019.


14. Aob to note for next meeting


Cllr Culley will arrange for wreaths to be purchased and collected in readiness for the church service on the 10th November.