PFC June 2022 Minutes


Chairman:  Amanda Green

Clerk & RFO:  Valerie Anne Worley

PICNIC TABLES – These have now been delivered and soon will be fixed into place outside the changing rooms for future use by the community and visitors.

PLAYPARK INSPECTION REPORT – Phoenix have inspected the playpark and it has been passed with minor issues such as painting that needs to be done and the fixing of the spring in the gate.

REPAIRS - There are 11 roof tiles that need to be repaired. The Chairman of the Playing Field will get quotes for this.  The door also needs updating as this only opens halfway.  Quotes for this will also be sought.

JUBILEE EVENT REPORT – It was disappointing that not many residents attended, but it was a rainy day so therefore the event had to take place in the village hall.  This event lost money.  The profit for the raffle, refreshments and lucky dip was £44.90 but the cost of the village hall hire, music, food and prizes: £300.75.   Total loss:  £255.85

UPDATE ON HSBC CHEQUE RE-ISSUE.  The Chairman of the Playpark has visited the HSBC Bank and is hoping to get a bank transfer of the funds from the cheque into the new bank account with Lloyds Bank.

UPDATE ON FUTURE PLAYING FIELD MEETINGS.  The Chairman of the Playing Field informed the Council that after advice from a charity official, there doesn’t have to be any agendas or AGMs for the Playing Field because it is a Charity. The Playing Field would have their own meetings in future.  This would mean that the Constitution would have to be changed. Councillor Mary Banks stated that for the moment the Constitution states that there should be meetings as the public has to see what’s happening.  The Chairman of the Playing Field said that she needs to encourage new members before she can change the Constitution.  She stated that she will give a report of what’s happening at future meetings along with outside bodies.  She also stated that the woodland trees were just an idea in which money can be brought into the playpark for it to be self-maintained.

Meeting closed at 6.25pm.